Canvas Artwork
Collection of my acrylic & oil creations
Loop of Life

Clear view with natural sun light

UV view with Ultra violet light

Acrylic luminescent canvas painting 40" x 60" made by ~VAS (V. G.) Existence in its own means being. To be, what you represent is a form of creation within another form of creation and so on... Though there is diversity of connection through species and their surrounding environment that leads to multi-dimensional recreation of 'being'. Simply think of the existence you experience in this world. What you see here are:
~ Two evolutionary pattern lines for this creature and how each side unfolds and evolves. The fact that they are so close and each part of the 'one' whole, practically makes them inseparable. ~ " I find it interesting how we all get wrapped up in our perspective of life that the animistic part of us is slowly ripped a part from the need to compete for its survival in this modern world." With the button below you can find a split canvas of the artwork in regular lighting and under UV.
Worlds of Color

Clear view with natural sun light

UV view with Ultra violet light

Life is a mystery. Ever lasting pattern of being (existence) which implies both to be and not to be at the same time. Your personality consists traits that shape your presence - "Personality Traits" or " the Big Five". Five characteristics of every human's behavior. (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism)
~ This artwork presents two complimenting unities of "worlds in colors" & Pythagorean Cosmic morphology.